


2017年10月23日 — If it works with full path, its probably a PATH issue, export the path in your .bashrc and then try. Cheers.

Hadoop command not found

2019年6月8日 — The reason you are getting the error Hadoop to command not found is that you have not exported Hadoop path in the environment variable.

hadoop fs command is not working in my system

2013年12月25日 — go to the hadoop installation directory. and type bin/hadoop fs -ls /. it will return with the directories and files available on the HDFS.

hdfs dfs 会报错

2020年4月12日 — 1、遇到问题今天使用自己的电脑,使用外网操作阿里云服务器上的HDFS。 报错 org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.


2017年12月4日 — I am trying to install hadoop with the tutorial from tutorialspoint. I just sucessfully installed hadoop2.9.0. I then tried to set up the ...

hdfs报错Command 'hdfs' not found, did you mean 原创

2020年11月25日 — 文章浏览阅读4w次,点赞27次,收藏79次。错误信息在刚装完Hadoop后,想尝试一下hdfs命令,结果出现以下报错:Command.


2014年1月26日 — As it seems from your commands history, you can replace hadoop by /usr/local/hadoop/bin/hadoop and it should help. If you want to use hadoop ...

No command 'hdfs' found, did you mean

2017年10月8日 — i am getting following error when i run the command hdfs.... No command 'hdfs' found, did you mean:.

fdisk 觀念自我更新

fdisk 觀念自我更新
